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Post Category: Lord's Day

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 21


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday February 16, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 20:19-31


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday February 9, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 20:1-18


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday February 2, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 19:16-42


Pastor Tyler looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday January 26, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 18:26-19:16


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday January 19, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 18:1-27


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday January 12, 2025!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- First Sunday After Christmas


Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday December 29, 2024!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- Fourth Sunday of Advent

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Pastor Jeremiah looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday December 22, 2024!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- Third Sunday of Advent

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Pastor Tyler looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday December 15, 2024!...

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- Baptism Sunday

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Pastor Tyler looks ahead to the Lord's Day service on Sunday December 8, 2024!...

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