Join us for worship Sunday at 10:30AM!

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Preparing for the Lord's Day- John 6 Part 3

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Greetings to you!

This Sunday, we wrap up our three part sermon series in John 6, looking at the growth of the disciples' faith in Jesus Christ.

A couple reminders:

  1. We will take the Lord's Supper during the service. Please prepare accordingly!
  2. After the service, we will have a card, cake, and punch reception for Cyndee Longe, our church secretary, as she celebrates 10 years at Cornerstone Baptist Church! That will take place in the Fellowship Hall!

See you Sunday!

In Christ,

Pastor Tyler

During the month of June, we will be learning a new song called "Holy Forever." Take a listen as we introduce it this Sunday!

Here are the songs we plan to sing together!

Crown Him with Many Crowns


Holy Forever


What a Friend We Have in Jesus


Show Us Christ


All Glory Be to Christ