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Belief in Jesus Christ

September 1, 2024 Speaker: Kenneth Mohn Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Belief Scripture: John 12:37–50

Belief in Jesus Christ

John 12:37-50

Seven Signs Performed by Jesus

  1. Turning water into wine
  2. Healing the nobleman's son near death
  3. Healing the lame man at the pool
  4. Feeding the five thousand
  5. Walking on water
  6. Healing the man born blind
  7. Raising Lazarus from the dead

6 Parallels between John 12:37-50 and John 1

  1. Jesus is one with the Father (1:1, 14; 12:44-45)
  2. Jesus is the light (1:4; 12:46)
  3. Jesus makes known the Father (1:18; 12:49-50a)
  4. Jesus comes with grace to bring salvation, not judgment (1:16-17; 12:47)
  5. Jesus is the source of eternal life (1:12; 12:50)
  6. Jesus is rejected by the ones he came to save (1:10-11; 12:37)

3 Beliefs found in John 12:37-50

  1. Unbelief "Jesus is not the source of life" (37-41)
  2. Belief that Jesus is a source of life amongst others (42-43)
  3. Belief that Jesus is the only source of true life
    1. John 6:68b-70

More in The Gospel of John

February 9, 2025

"Stop Doubting and Believe"

February 4, 2025

The Resurrection

January 26, 2025

"It Is Finished"