Join us for worship Sunday at 10:30AM!

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Welcome! We look forward to your visit to Cornerstone Baptist Church in St. Joseph, Missouri!

Getting here

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Cornerstone Baptist Church
2710 South Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO  64503 

Located in St. Joseph, MO, we are right on the Belt Highway between US Highway 36 and I-29 on the corner of Belt and Pickett Road. You can enter the Cornerstone Baptist Church parking lot from the east on South Belt Highway or from the north on Pickett Road.


There is guest parking located both in the front and back lots. We also have spaces for the disabled in the main east lot.

Welcome Center

You will find information and resources about Cornerstone Baptist Church and our ministries at the welcome center in the foyer. One of our greeters or security team leaders will be available to answer any questions and guide you to wherever you need to go.

Nursery and Children's Church

Your child’s safety is a top priority for our church. Parents will be called on their cell phone if they are needed for any reason.  All of our children’s workers are screened and go through a background check before working with kids. Taking care of your children is a trust we don’t take lightly.

Nursery and preschool aged children may go to the nursery located on the lower level of the church as soon as you arrive at Cornerstone.  Older children stay with their parents for the entirety of the service.

Sunday School and Fellowship Groups

We offer small group bible study for all ages on Sunday mornings at 9AM. Fellowship Groups are designed to be comfortable, inviting places where you can meet new people and develop real friendships, study God’s Word and apply it to your life, and use your talents, gifts and passions to serve others in our community and beyond. Please visit the welcome center for help in finding the various classes and rooms.

Worship Service

Our worship service begins at 10:30AM and is about an hour and a half long. Our worship service includes singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and the preaching of the Word.  We lean toward a more blended style of worship; the songs do not cater to any one generation. There are many great tried and true hymns of the faith that we sing, but we also realize there are many new songs being written that also speak life and substance to what we sing. We also spend a great deal of time in God's Word, the Bible. If you do not have a Bible, there will be one in the pew in front of you. Please feel free to take it as our gift to you.

After a time of worship through song, the pastor will give a message from God's Word.  Our sermons are generally 40 minutes in length and typically focus on a particular passage in the Bible that will be explained. After the message, there will be a closing song that will give an opportunity to respond to what has just been preached. If you have questions or would like to get to know us better, the pastor and church members are always available to visit after the service.

What should I expect when I visit the church?

You will receive a very warm welcome from everyone. If you are coming just for the worship service, it is generally good to arrive 10 or 15 minutes early so that you can find your seat. You will see people from many different walks of life, ethnicities, and ages. 

Is there a dress code?

No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes. 

Will I have to join in?

Not at all! You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.  

I have more questions, how can I get in touch with someone?

Please feel free to contact us by phone at 1-816-279-2432 or email.  If we're not available immediately, we'll get back to you as soon as possible!